• 7 Videos

  • 4 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 8 Files

  • The Pentatonic Scale

  • How To Swing and How to Play Straight

  • Call and Response : The Major Blues (C and F)

  • Call and Response : The Major Blues (G and Bb)

  • The Minor Blues (Hit The Road)

  • Ultimate Blues : Integrate Major and Minor

  • The Meaning of the Blues : Live Masterclass

  • Major 7th Chords

  • Dominant 7th Chords

  • Minor 7th Chords

  • The Jazz Pattern Used Again and Again

  • Create Your Own Chords

  • Combining The Three Types of Chords (Suggested Songs and Backing Tracks)

  • So What

  • Maiden Voyage

  • Special Chords

  • Gospel Chords

  • Chords on Chords

  • Rhythm and Blues and Rootless Voicing

  • Advanced Corner (Semitone Movement)