• 47 Videos

  • 8 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 127 Files

  • Course Introduction : The 4 Pillars and the 3 Questions That You Need Throughout This Program

  • The Beginnings of our Journey. How to Enter the Artistic Realm : IMPROVISATION In C and Db major

  • Golden Nugget #1 : The 7 Chords and Chord Stacking

  • Piano Essentials #1a : Chord Mixture Shapes Preparation and Starter Walkthroughs

  • Piano Essentials #1b. : Mixture Part 1, 2 The Importance of the Chord Narrative

  • Golden Nugget #2 : Mixture Part 3 and Slash Chords Techniques

  • Progression Walkthrough : To Make You Feel My Love

  • Progression Walkthroughs : Circle of 5ths and Chord Decorations

  • Progression Walkthrough : Elton's Eb major slash chords

  • Entering the Artistic Realm : Improvisation on the C Blues Scale

  • Entering the Artistic Realm : Improvisation on C Mixolydian

  • Make A Hit Song : Historical Patterns & Most Popular Chord Progressions

  • Golden Nugget 1 : Sight Reading with Chords

  • STEP 1 : Blues Evolutions and Scales : Applying them to Improvisation