• 13 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 2 Files

  • Warm Up : Building Finger Strength and Independence with Siwan Rhys

  • Harmony Method Tutorial 1

  • Harmony Method Tutorial 2

  • Harmony Method Tutorial 3

  • Harmony Method Tutorial 4

  • Mixture Examples Revision (Turning Chords Into Music) with Alberto Ferro

  • The Piano Inversions Starting Kit with Alberto Ferro

  • More Inversions - Hacking Piano Inversions with Tom Donald

  • Every Breath You Take (Step By Step) with Alberto Ferro

  • Piano Chords Improvisation with Alberto Ferro

  • Simple Blues Piano Improvisation with Alberto Ferro

  • First Steps to Melodic Improvisation with Alberto Ferro

  • Bach Prelude in C Major with Tom Donald