• 243 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 326 Files

  • 002 Episode: Holy Trinity of Jazz Chords

  • 004 Episode: Piano Inversion Secrets (How To Play Without Thinking)

  • 007 Episode: Killer Chord Progressions

  • 011 Episode: Reharmonisation : Put Your Own Stamp On The Music

  • 013 Episode: Magic of 2-5-1 with Jack Marshall

  • 014 Episode: Chord Voicing : Turn your fingers into a Symphony Orchestra

  • 022 Episode: Simple ways to play Complex Jazz Chords

  • 033 Episode: Add Colour To Your Chords with Jack Marshall

  • 040 Episode: Chord Layering Magic : How To Simplify Complex Thoughts

  • 041 Episode: The Power of Patterns

  • 043 Episode: Hack your Chords with Colin Shecktor (A guide to never forgetting your chords again!)

  • 056 Episode: Piano Reharmonisation

  • 058 Episode: Killer Chord Progressions 2.0

  • 072 Episode: Killer Chord Progressions 3.0

  • 080 Episode: Chords within Classical Music

  • 081 Episode: Hit Record Chord Progressions with Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 127 : Mastering The Dark Art of Playing By Ear w Tom Donald

  • Episode 131 : Hallelujah!! Gospel Chord Progressions with Tom Donald

  • Episode 143 : Lead Sheet Reading with Jack Marshall

  • 085 : Warming Winter Chord Progressions with Tom Donald

  • 087 : A Match Made In Heaven : Chord and Modes with Tom Donald

  • 095 : Patterns, Sequences and Chord Patchworks with Tom Donald

  • 097 : The Tritone and the Diminished 7th chord - The Devil in Music with Brian Hughes

  • Episode 107 : Harmonise Your Own Melodies and Songs with Brian Hughes

  • Episode 114 : Returning To The Mothership with Tom Donald (Chords, Inversions, and Improvisation)

  • Episode 116 : Stories within stories, Chords within Chords - Bill Evans and John Coltrane w Liam Noble

  • Episode 118 : Simplify Your Approach to Conquer Complexity w Tom Donald

  • Episode 123 : Shapeshifting w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 129: Back to Basics with Liam Noble

  • Episode 131 : Hallelujah!! Gospel Chord Progressions with Tom Donald

  • Episode 135 : Embrace Creativity: Classical Music Improvisation Workshop & Exciting Dare w Tom Donald

  • 002 Episode: Holy Trinity of Jazz Chords

  • 009 Episode: Keeping it Real with the Real Book

  • 013 Episode: Magic of 2-5-1 with Jack Marshall

  • 022 Episode: Simple ways to play Complex Jazz Chords

  • 024 Episode: Jazz Improvisation Essentials

  • 028 Episode: Jazz Masterpieces Walkthrough, Part 1

  • 031 Episode: Jazz Masterpieces Walkthrough, Part 2

  • 045 Episode: Blues Throughout the Ages with Chris Kibble, Part 1

  • 046 Episode: Blues Throughout the Ages with Chris Kibble, Part 2

  • 049 Episode: Jazz Jam with Tom Donald

  • 054 Episode: The Magic of 2-5-1, The Sequel with Jack Marshall

  • 062 Episode: Getting Jazzed Up with Jack Marshall

  • 079 Episode: I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues with Tom Donald

  • 047 Episode: Ain't nothing gonna Break My Stride with Jack Marshall

  • Episode 129: Back to Basics with Liam Noble

  • Episode 138 : How To Build Great Jazz Chops w Tom Donald

  • 094 : Blues Boogie Special with Jack Marshall

  • 101 : Improvisation and Soloing Special w Jack Marshall

  • Episode 106 : It was Acceptable in the 80's with Liam Noble

  • Episode 111 : The Magic Number of the Blues with Tom Donald

  • Episode 116 : Stories within stories, Chords within Chords - Bill Evans and John Coltrane w Liam Noble

  • Episode 119 : Being The Ultimate One Man Band w Jack Marshall

  • Episode 124 : How to Play With Our Body and Swing Like Oscar Peterson

  • Episode 129: Back to Basics with Liam Noble

  • Episode 138 : How To Build Great Jazz Chops w Tom Donald

  • Episode 143 : Lead Sheet Reading with Jack Marshall

  • Episode 146 : 1959_A Pivotal Year In Jazz_5 in 59' w Charez Golvala

  • Episode 157 : Left Hand Blues, Grooves and Norah Jones Tunes w Tom Donald

  • Episode 161 : To Christmas and Beyond! A Christmas Special w Jack Marshall

  • 003 Episode : Jamming on Bach and Chopin

  • 008 Episode: Sonata Form : Inside the Brain of Mozart, Beethoven & Beyond

  • 021 Episode: Exporing Mozart, Beethoven, Rachmaninov (Theme and Variation Form)

  • 026 Episode: Sonata Form Part 2 : Extended Structures and the 20th Century

  • 066 Episode: Lieder : The Development of Art Song w Brian Hughes

  • 080 Episode: Chords within Classical Music

  • Episode 103 : A Crash Course on the Development of Three Centuries of Classical Music with Tom Donald

  • Episode 135 : Embrace Creativity: Classical Music Improvisation Workshop & Exciting Dare w Tom Donald

  • Episode 139 : Unleashing The Magic Within Chopin's E Minor Prelude w Tom Donald

  • 009 Episode: Keeping it Real with the Real Book

  • 010 Episode: Getting Into The Zone Part 2 (Improvisation Tutorial)

  • 018 Episode: Improvisation Techniques : Getting into the Zone Part 3

  • 024 Episode: Jazz Improvisation Essentials

  • 027 Episode: Improvisation Seminar : Asking The Musical Universe

  • 049 Episode: Jazz Jam with Tom Donald

  • 063 Episode : Jam Session : Modal Improvisation with Tom Donald

  • 071 Episode: 5:00am GMT Morning Meditation Jam with Tom Donald

  • Episode 135 : Embrace Creativity: Classical Music Improvisation Workshop & Exciting Dare w Tom Donald

  • Episode 114 : Returning To The Mothership with Tom Donald (Chords, Inversions, and Improvisation)

  • Episode 135 : Embrace Creativity: Classical Music Improvisation Workshop & Exciting Dare w Tom Donald

  • 019 Episode: Most Famous Piano Riffs of the Last 40 Years

  • 052 Episode: Pop Music Essentials with Tom Donald

  • 061 Episode: Pop Jam with Tom Donald : Bowie, Stevie, Elton

  • Episode 143 : Lead Sheet Reading with Jack Marshall

  • 090 : How to Arrange Pop Songs on the Piano with Tom Donald

  • 098 : BEATLEMANIA! - The Beatles Chronicle with Caolan McCarthy

  • 099 : Travelling Out of This World w David Bowie and Rodrigo Lemos

  • 102 : Seeing Double w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 157 : Left Hand Blues, Grooves and Norah Jones Tunes w Tom Donald

  • 005 Episode: Prove That You Can Groove

  • 023 Episode: Getting into the Groove with Jack Marshall

  • 030 Episode: Brazilian Bossa with Rodrigo Lemos

  • 035 Episode: Samba Essentials Part 2 with Rodrigo Lemos

  • 036 Episode: Cuban and Montuno Piano with Chris Kibble

  • 052 Episode: Pop Music Essentials with Tom Donald

  • 074 Episode: It's All About That Bass with Rodrigo Lemos (Part 1)

  • 075 Episode: All About That Bass with Rodrigo Lemos (Part 2)

  • 089 : Bossa Nova with Rodrigo Lemos

  • 092 : Songs that skip a beat or two with Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 117 : Stevie Wonder Monster Riffs w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 120 : Unlocking the Groove w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 122 : The Art of Rhythm and Konnakol w Dhruva Lance

  • Episode 136 : I've Got Rhythm! w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 142 : Astrud Gilberto and Bossa Nova with Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 157 : Left Hand Blues, Grooves and Norah Jones Tunes w Tom Donald

  • Episode 158 : Jamming with 'Black Orpheus' w Rodrigo Lemos

  • 006 Episode: How To Compose Your Own Music

  • 008 Episode: Sonata Form : Inside the Brain of Mozart, Beethoven & Beyond

  • 020 Episode: Find Your Microstyle with Christopher Norton

  • 021 Episode: Exporing Mozart, Beethoven, Rachmaninov (Theme and Variation Form)

  • 025 Episode: How to be a songwriter with Hope Winter

  • 026 Episode: Sonata Form Part 2 : Extended Structures and the 20th Century

  • 034 Episode: Many Paths, Musical Interpretation with Alberto Ferro

  • 048 Episode: Romancing the Sonata with George Barton

  • 053 Episode: Compose with Confidence with Tom Donald

  • 060 Episode: Piano Concertos Throughout the Ages

  • 066 Episode: Lieder : The Development of Art Song w Brian Hughes

  • 078 Episode: Collaborative Composition with Tom Donald

  • 003 Episode : Jamming on Bach and Chopin

  • 008 Episode: Sonata Form : Inside the Brain of Mozart, Beethoven & Beyond

  • 019 Episode: Most Famous Piano Riffs of the Last 40 Years

  • 021 Episode: Exporing Mozart, Beethoven, Rachmaninov (Theme and Variation Form)

  • 026 Episode: Sonata Form Part 2 : Extended Structures and the 20th Century

  • 028 Episode: Jazz Masterpieces Walkthrough, Part 1

  • 031 Episode: Jazz Masterpieces Walkthrough, Part 2

  • 038 Episode: It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

  • 044 Episode: The Soul Sessions with Hope Russell Winter

  • 059 Episode: Playing a Tune From Start To Finish with Jack Marshall

  • 062 Episode: Getting Jazzed Up with Jack Marshall

  • 064 Episode: Analyse This! with Rodrigo Lemos

  • 068 Episode: Analyse This! with Rodrigo Lemos (Part 2)

  • 080 Episode: Chords within Classical Music

  • 084 Episode: Mini Christmas Masterclass

  • 099 : Travelling Out of This World w David Bowie and Rodrigo Lemos

  • 102 : Seeing Double w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 115 : The Art of Playing Slow with Jack Marshall and Honouring Queen Elizabeth II with Tom Donald (arrangement and tribute of God Save the Queen)

  • Episode 140 : Demystifying Libertango with Rodrigo

  • Episode 159 : Ain't No Sunshine: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

  • Episode 160 : Following the Yellow Brick Road w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 163_Walkthrough_I Wish I Knew How It Would Be To Be Free w Jack Marshall

  • 015 Episode: Sightreading Success Strategies

  • 029 Episode: Unlocking your left hand with Jack Marshall

  • 041 Episode: The Power of Patterns with Tom Donald

  • 047 Episode: Ain't nothing gonna Break My Stride with Jack Marshall

  • 055 Episode: Musical Matchmaking with Tom Donald

  • 059 Episode: Playing a Tune From Start To Finish with Jack Marshall

  • 067 Episode: How To Transpose with Tom

  • 073 Episode: Powerful Finger Exercises

  • 076 Episode: Play What You Hear : Transcription with Jack Marshall

  • 077 Episode: The Singing Pianist with Brian Hughes

  • 083 Episode: Unlocking Your Transcription Skills (Part 2)

  • Episode 132 : Get Creative with Your Piano Practice with Brian Hughes

  • Episode 141 : Left Hand Right Hand -The secret to improving co-ordination, rhythm and groove with Brian Hughes

  • Episode 147 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Episode 1 : Melody and Intervals)

  • Episode 148 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Episode 2 : Melodic Transcription Introduction)

  • Episode 151 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Diatonic Triad Recognition - Part 3)

  • Episode 152 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Intro to Chromatic Harmony by Ear - Part 4)

  • 093 : Scales and Scale Patterns with Manu Hasan

  • 088 : Scale Tune Up with Tom Donald

  • Episode 105 : Practical Piano Tricks w Jack Marshall

  • Episode 109 : The Romantic Myth: Slaying the dragon that is holding us back w Tom Donald

  • Episode 115 : The Art of Playing Slow with Jack Marshall and Honouring Queen Elizabeth II with Tom Donald (arrangement and tribute of God Save the Queen)

  • Episode 121 : Perfect Pitch w Brian Hughes

  • Episode 124 : How to Play With Our Body and Swing Like Oscar Peterson

  • Episode 126 : Welcome to the realm of relative pitch! w Brian Hughes

  • Episode 127 : Mastering The Dark Art of Playing By Ear w Tom Donald

  • Episode 132 : Get Creative with Your Piano Practice with Brian Hughes

  • Episode 138 : How To Build Great Jazz Chops w Tom Donald

  • Episode 141 : Left Hand Right Hand -The secret to improving co-ordination, rhythm and groove with Brian Hughes

  • Episode 143 : Lead Sheet Reading with Jack Marshall

  • Episode 147 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Episode 1 : Melody and Intervals)

  • Episode 148 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Episode 2 : Melodic Transcription Introduction)

  • Episode 151 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Diatonic Triad Recognition - Part 3)

  • Episode 152 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Intro to Chromatic Harmony by Ear - Part 4)

  • 008 Episode: Sonata Form : Inside the Brain of Mozart, Beethoven & Beyond

  • 016 Episode: Polyphony - The Great Jigsaw Puzzle of Music

  • 020 Episode: Find Your Microstyle with Christopher Norton

  • 021 Episode: Exporing Mozart, Beethoven, Rachmaninov (Theme and Variation Form)

  • 026 Episode: Sonata Form Part 2 : Extended Structures and the 20th Century

  • 030 Episode: Brazilian Bossa with Rodrigo Lemos

  • 032 Episode: The Journey of How A Piano Is Built with Chris Chalmers from Blüthner Pianos

  • 034 Episode: Many Paths, Musical Interpretation with Alberto Ferro

  • 035 Episode: Samba Essentials with Rodrigo Lemos (Part 2)

  • 036 Episode: Cuban and Montuno Piano with Chris Kibble

  • 037 Episode: Where's the beat! : Irregular Time Signatures with Rodrigo Lemos

  • 039 Episode: When Less is More : Minimalism with Siwan Rhys

  • 042 Episode: It's about time with Alberto Ferro

  • 045 Episode: Blues Throughout the Ages with Chris Kibble, Part 1

  • 046 Episode: Blues Throughout the Ages with Chris Kibble, Part 2

  • 048 Episode: Romancing the Sonata with George Barton

  • 051 Episode: It's About Time with Alberto Ferro, Part 2

  • 060 Episode: Piano Concertos Throughout the Ages

  • 066 Episode: Lieder : The Development of Art Song w Brian Hughes

  • 070 Episode: Rolling through the Ages with Tom Donald

  • 077 Episode: The Singing Pianist with Brian Hughes

  • 082 Episode: Film Music : Famous Piano Solos with Brian Hughes

  • 098 : BEATLEMANIA! - The Beatles Chronicle with Caolan McCarthy

  • Episode 103 : A Crash Course on the Development of Three Centuries of Classical Music with Tom Donald

  • Episode 104 : Charting Paul Simon's American road trip songs w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 106 : It was Acceptable in the 80's with Liam Noble

  • Episode 108: A look into the life of Roy Bittan with Caolan McCarthy

  • Episode 109 : The Romantic Myth: Slaying the dragon that is holding us back w Tom Donald

  • Episode 142 : Astrud Gilberto and Bossa Nova with Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 145 : 50 Years of Pink Floyd (Dark Side of The Moon Anniversary) w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 146 : 1959_A Pivotal Year In Jazz_5 in 59' w Charez Golvala

  • 025 Episode: How to be a songwriter with Hope Winter

  • Episode 149 : A Look Into The Journey of Recording an EP_ From Inception to Studio Recording w Caolan McCarthy (Part 1)

  • Episode 150 : A Look Into The Journey of Recording an EP_ From Inception to Studio Recording w Caolan McCarthy (Part 2)

  • Episode 107 : Harmonise Your Own Melodies and Songs with Brian Hughes

  • Episode 153 : Behind The Music - A Musicians Life on Tour w Brian Hughes

  • Episode 154 : Behind The Music - From Idea to Record and The Creative Process w Alberto Ferro

  • Episode 165_Behind the Music w Cait Davies

  • Episode 166_Behind the Music w Cait Davies

  • Episode 176_Behind The Music w Tom Donald (Writing a Song From Start to Finish)

  • Episode 172_Igniting Creativity in the Realm of Composition and Songwriting w Brian Hughes

  • Episode 173_Igniting Creativity in the Realm of Composition and Songwriting (Lyrics and Melody)

  • 012 Episode: How To Turn Your Home Into A Recording Studio

  • 057 Episode: How To Turn Your Home Into A Recording Studio, Part 2 (Production)

  • 086 : The Musicals. Arranging Your Favourite Musical Theatre Songs for Piano with Brian Hughes

  • 087 : A Match Made In Heaven : Chord and Modes with Tom Donald

  • 093 : Scales and Scale Patterns with Manu Hasan

  • Episode 137 : The Modal Rainbow w Rodrigo Lemos

  • 091 : Are we all musical? The sounds of intent and the Musical Journey with special education needs presented by LCSP Member Sum Yee Chan

  • 096 : Pulling Strings with Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 110 : Positive Mental Attitude and Piano Practice with Manu Hasan

  • Episode 121 : Perfect Pitch w Brian Hughes

  • Episode 126 : Welcome to the realm of relative pitch! w Brian Hughes

  • Episode 128 : Piano Performance Anxiety with Alberto Ferro

  • Episode 132 : Get Creative with Your Piano Practice with Brian Hughes

  • Episode 133 : Music and Soundscapes for The Visually Impaired

  • Episode 134 : The Ultimate Resource to Owning a Piano w Tom Donald

  • Episode 149 : A Look Into The Journey of Recording an EP_ From Inception to Studio Recording w Caolan McCarthy (Part 1)

  • Episode 150 : A Look Into The Journey of Recording an EP_ From Inception to Studio Recording w Caolan McCarthy (Part 2)

  • Episode 153 : Behind The Music - A Musicians Life on Tour w Brian Hughes

  • Episode 154 : Behind The Music - From Idea to Record and The Creative Process w Alberto Ferro

  • Episode 121 : Perfect Pitch w Brian Hughes

  • Episode 126 : Welcome to the realm of relative pitch! w Brian Hughes

  • Episode 127 : Mastering The Dark Art of Playing By Ear w Tom Donald

  • Episode 147 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Episode 1 : Melody and Intervals)

  • Episode 148 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Episode 2 : Melodic Transcription Introduction)

  • Episode 151 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Diatonic Triad Recognition - Part 3)

  • Episode 152 : Ear Training Series w Manu Hasan (Intro to Chromatic Harmony by Ear - Part 4)