• 42 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 0 Worksheets

  • 73 Files

  • 085 : Warming Winter Chord Progressions with Tom Donald

  • 086 : The Musicals. Arranging Your Favourite Musical Theatre Songs for Piano with Brian Hughes

  • 087 : A Match Made In Heaven : Chord and Modes with Tom Donald

  • 088 : Scale Tune Up with Tom Donald

  • 089 : Bossa Nova with Rodrigo Lemos

  • 090 : How to Arrange Pop Songs on the Piano with Tom Donald

  • 091 : Are we all musical? The sounds of intent and the Musical Journey with special education needs presented by LCSP Member Sum Yee Chan

  • 092 : Songs that skip a beat or two with Rodrigo Lemos

  • 093 : Scales and Scale Patterns with Manu Hasan

  • 094 : Blues Boogie Special with Jack Marshall

  • 095 : Patterns, Sequences and Chord Patchworks with Tom Donald

  • 096 : Pulling Strings with Rodrigo Lemos

  • 097 : The Tritone and the Diminished 7th chord - The Devil in Music with Brian Hughes

  • 098 : BEATLEMANIA! - The Beatles Chronicle with Caolan McCarthy

  • 099 : Travelling Out of This World w David Bowie and Rodrigo Lemos

  • 100 : LCSP Special: Masterclass 100! A recap of key episodes w Tom Donald

  • 101 : Improvisation and Soloing Special w Jack Marshall

  • 102 : Seeing Double w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 103 : A Crash Course on the Development of Three Centuries of Classical Music with Tom Donald

  • Episode 104 : Charting Paul Simon's American road trip songs w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 105 : Practical Piano Tricks w Jack Marshall

  • Episode 106 : It was Acceptable in the 80's with Liam Noble

  • Episode 107 : Harmonise Your Own Melodies and Songs with Brian Hughes

  • Episode 108: A look into the life of Roy Bittan with Caolan McCarthy

  • Episode 109 : The Romantic Myth: Slaying the dragon that is holding us back w Tom Donald

  • Episode 110 : Positive Mental Attitude and Piano Practice with Manu Hasan

  • Episode 111 : The Magic Number of the Blues with Tom Donald

  • Episode 112 : Tom in The Piano Hot Seat (Taking Your Questions)

  • Episode 113 : Tom In The Piano Hot Seat Part Two (Taking Your Questions)

  • Episode 114 : Returning To The Mothership with Tom Donald (Chords, Inversions, and Improvisation)

  • Episode 115 : The Art of Playing Slow with Jack Marshall and Honouring Queen Elizabeth II with Tom Donald (arrangement and tribute of God Save the Queen)

  • Episode 116 : Stories within stories, Chords within Chords - Bill Evans and John Coltrane w Liam Noble

  • Episode 117 : Stevie Wonder Monster Riffs w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 118 : Simplify Your Approach to Conquer Complexity w Tom Donald

  • Episode 119 : Being The Ultimate One Man Band w Jack Marshall

  • Episode 120 : Unlocking the Groove w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 121 : Perfect Pitch w Brian Hughes

  • Episode 122 : The Art of Rhythm and Konnakol w Dhruva Lance

  • Episode 123 : Shapeshifting w Rodrigo Lemos

  • Episode 124 : How to Play With Our Body and Swing Like Oscar Peterson

  • Episode 126 : Welcome to the realm of relative pitch! w Brian Hughes